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Sammie and Simone

Guided by love: The birth of my dreams, together
Judith and Martha

After an initial interview, I felt an immediate connection with them. Were practical, direct, but with a touch of spirituality, exactly what I was looking for. Judith has accompanied me on every visit, from 20 weeks of pregnancy. Reassured Me when I was homesick, he took care of my little one, it helped me tremendously with the bureaucracy that foreigners face in medical situations, such as the appointments in hospitals.
My great desire was to give birth at home without medication, at least not without induction. Judith heard my wishes, I was informed about the options available to you and it reminded me of births rarely follow the plan or expectations. Thanks to her, I had a delivery of a dream home, without medication, with Judith as my guide, and support, keeping calm at all times. Both Judith as Martha are excellent in their work. They are professionals, are present in the background but noticeably, loving, helpful, efficient, and responsive. Thanks to Judith and Martha, I had the birth of my dreams. Respected my desires, watched what was safe, and acted in an appropriate manner, neither too much nor too little, allowing the woman to have the control, while they watched with eyes, professional and experienced.

I'll be grateful forever!

I would like to share my experience of childbirth prior to illustrate the difference that Judith and Marta scored in my last birth in Spain. Sophie was born on may 2, 2013 in a hospital in Maastricht by a planned cesarean section at 39 weeks due to an infection. After his birth, Sophie was in intensive care for 10 days. It was a terrible experience, since it was a mother for the first time, she was only 25 years old and didn't know what to do. Sophie was small, weighed in at 2.7 kg, and the recovery of the c-section, along with having to go to see her in intensive care, it was very difficult for me. My recovery took a little longer and the postpartum week was postponed because Sophie didn't come home until after 10 days, so that I also didn't care postpartum. Julian was born on September 14, 2015 in the same hospital Maastricht after an induction with medications to stimulate the delivery, followed by a vaginal delivery with epidural, 41 weeks and 5 days of pregnancy, since labor started naturally. The vaginal delivery was much better and I recovered quickly, much better than with the c-section. However, the process leading to the birth was very difficult. I spent almost two days without sleep due to the induction and hoped that my dilation progress, but after that everything was a medical doctor and used drugs to stimulate contractions. There was not a lot of natural in this process. Fortunately, I had a week of postpartum wonderful with a caregiver very loving. Josephine was born on November 2 2017 in the same hospital Maastricht, also after an induction, medications to stimulate labor and an epidural, 41 weeks and 3 days pregnant. It was exactly the same with Julian. I recovered quickly and I also had a week of postpartum wonderful with the same caregiver loving. Sammie was born on November 4, 2022 in Spain. I thought that would be spent to date, because that already happened to me twice before. I had decided firmly to prevent the induction, the mind is powerful! I felt mentally prepared. I could do this, I had already done two, three times before, my body knew what to do. On my due date, the 31st of October, even I participated in the Halloween parade in Calpe for the night. During that week, I had Braxton Hicks contractions are quite strong, something that I had not experienced in previous pregnancies. Great! In addition, I started to lose part of the mucus plug. ¡Another good indication that my body was preparing! On the 4th of November, in the morning, I went to see Judith and to a control prenatal. I was 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I had mild contractions that morning, but I kept thinking in my previous births, this will take a long time. However, Judith noticed that I already had the neck of the uterus removed, and a dilated 1-2 cm it's Another good news! Although this could also be logical because it was my fourth pregnancy.

From the darkness to the light: The difference that Judith and Marta
marked in my last birth

Judith suggested acupuncture, which I accepted without hesitation. I was willing to try anything. And it worked! After acupuncture, the contractions disappeared for a time. No, don't want that! But then, gradually, became more regular and more intense, but still I thought that this would take a long time, that was still not "THE" moment. At 16:00 hours, Judith sent me a message asking how I was feeling. My husband, Joris, I had to pick up Sophie from a school excursion to 16:30 hours. I was in bed all the time, alone. I wanted someone to be with me, but I did not dare to say that you really had begun the work of childbirth. Imagine if Judith came in vain. Fortunately, Judith correctly judged the situation and decided to come. Then everything happened very fast. Joris returned home at 16:30 hours, I was in the shower, I started to feel the contractions I was feeling pressure down. I couldn't take it anymore. I was outside of myself. In that moment, Sophie was already with me, and at 17:00 hours, Judith rose. I got out of the shower, I asked for a touch, and yes, full dilation. Oh, my God, how I cried, I cried and I cried. He had come to this moment alone!, 10cm without help, without drugs, without hospital. Oh, I suddenly something scary. Now I can not go to the hospital, now I have to do it myself. Meanwhile, Judith asked a couple of things to Joris and Sophie that I wanted to help: bring water, towels, handkerchiefs, etc, Was so special that Sophie was there, above helping, it was something I really wanted. My father-in-law was down, and the only thing that he could scream as I felt the intensity of the contraction was: keep the bedroom door closed! And then, I thought that the baby was going to go out on my back, the "ring of fire", was an immense pain, barely able to stand and wanted to push sac. Until you Judith interjected firmly, and said: "don't you sense this before because the epidural had, so listen to me well and we will do it slowly. And so, after 3 pushes more, at 17:49 hours, was born our small and gorgeous Sammie, at home. As the sex had been an unknown, yet we hesitated between Olivia and Sammie (I knew it would be a boy named Samuel ;)), but Sophie and Josephine (who came and watched them from time to time), said: "This is a really Sammie". It seems that Julian was running around crying with my father-in-law saying: "It's another girl", but he came quickly to see. I was so proud of myself, of having done so, I give birth on my own! Then she had to birth the placenta, which lasted quite a long time. I was a little afraid again, if we now have to go to the hospital, physically could not stand it. Meanwhile, Marta had also arrived and I listened to them talk in Spanish and I freaked out a little. What if the placenta did not leave it alone? But then, fortunately, Judith and Marta knew exactly what to do. A little rest, a little help with an injection of oxytocin, and there was the placenta. Julian looked closely, watching "the burger", as he called it. The only thing I wanted at that moment was: I take a SHOWER! I was so horny after spending all day in bed. He was exhausted and dirty. I duchy, and then I lay down on the bed with Sammie and all children. We still had the birthday cake of Last, that he had a birthday two days before, and so we finished the delivery. IT WAS A FEAST!

"The miracle of life: to be Born at home, without fear and
surrounded by love"

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