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Home / Birth stories / Carolina and Maelle

Carolina and Maelle

The idea of experiencing a natural birth
different and began to tickle my interior.

Delivery of Clementine July 2019 head to the hospital and head to the epidural (without reflection): I Noticed the effect almost immediately of the epidural, I felt relief, but soon returned to the pain, it would be the 1h in the morning. I was told that was soon to begin to push and that I should wait to erase the neck of the uterus a few more inches. The midwife left me to rest, and suddenly we were Max and I, alone in the birthing. But, the epidural worked partially. This means that the anesthesia made effect only on one side of my body. I wanted more doses and Max came out of the birthing to ask you to call the anesthesiologist who was soon to appear, would be 4 o'clock in the morning. In that moment, sore and exhausted, I thought it was normal to ask for a new dose to relieve the pain. However, I don't think so I also evadiría delivery. One half of my body had a dose of anesthesia and normal in the other half, perhaps, too much. Could not exert any force on the side that received an overdose, my placenta was not effective, my leg was a lump dead and heavy. The consequence was that the phase of placenta was lengthened too, and although the head of Clementine peeked, he only managed to get out thanks to the cut in the perineum that I made of 7 cm, The justification of the episiotomy was that the recommended time of placenta is sold out.

Then, they sprouted a series of thoughts that needed to find a reconciliation within me. What should wait, and do nothing to erase the neck of the uterus?, How clementine would have been able to find their way around with a little more effort on my part, without the need to perform episiotomy?, How ran in a hurry because there was a change of shift? (It was 7 am in the morning), Or, what perhaps was the decision well taken by the gynecologist because Clementina not felt my urge to push, and my force, and was already exhausted, and desperate?

Although he could not give answer to any of the questions, a long time later, what was clear was that the epidural failed, and I, under the effects of a frustration for not having been able to help Clementine to be born with my own energy and force, the idea of experiencing a natural childbirth and different began to tickle my interior.

More tickling.

It was like a button of access to the relaxation direct”

The life I was presenting a second chance to give birth and I, this time, I wanted a delivery mammal, real, I wanted to leave the body and mind come together, to feel it all, to live each stage of the work of the delivery of a conscious and fully trust in Nature. 
Giving birth naturally at home. The decision, taken a month before, “in extremis”. 
I wanted a natural birth, it was clear. I felt the need to be part of the group of women having experienced the pain of delivery. Each story of “childbirth is our” made my heart beat with the force, felt an impulse of solidarity and envy at the same time. 
I wanted a respected childbirth, with a lot of care, was also clear. I felt such a claim, that the things have to do with love and passion, and if not, do not. I felt that it would be a way to give my support to the immense number of women who have undergone childbirth disrespectful. 
Of the possible options, the only one that stood a good foundation in my head, it was not to move from home. Any other plan, meant to leave Clementine at any time, at any other party, and under the responsibility of other people. I was not feeling well. Birthing at home, Clementine could be with us. What is more, if given the circumstances, could be present and be part of the birth of his sister. This I was excited a lot. 
Once you understand this feeling and this new vision of mine to see the birth, so I talked with Max and although not very consensual on your part, we got to know Martha, the matron of Nikita. After the first visit to Orba was clear that giving birth at home and with Marta matched perfectly with my desire in the form of intuition. Marta demonstrated experience and knew how to convey trust and confidence. Max accepted the challenge and begins thus, the preparation process with Martha and home delivery. 
Helped by the dim light of the grey cloud, the sound of rain, the mountain view, elements of deep calm. I focused on watching the droplets fall and disappear softly against the floor. And with this tune, I listened in sync hypnosis Marta, time and time again, in a loop, until the forces I reached to extend the arm, take the mobile on the table and press the button to re-play.

I took off all the clothes, they helped me to get in, the water was warm, and I sat down comfortably. Bathtubs with hot water, and I have always gotten along well.

Meanwhile, Clementine watching me through the glass, he came and accompanied me. Cogíó a ball and rolled to my side, yours of your size and color yellow. Gave votecitos on the ball as I breathed deeply as I shouted at the same time that I screamed, drank his glass of peach juice and stirred the ice like me. Very cute, I wanted to live in the moment like me. But for me, it was not a game. Even though I marveled at his behavior, and he would remember it with fondness, I was distracting negatively and I had to ask Max very bitterly that will take her from my side. And I understood, that only tolerate the close presence of Martha and Judith.
First thing he did, Martha, when she saw me was to control the pace of the heartbeat of the baby's heart after contraction. I said: “The baby is perfectly”. I sat down more than good. All was well, and I had only to be carried away by the rhythm of the contractions and my instinct. Suddenly I heard Martha say: “we're Going to mount the tub now.” And I got excited again, and that meant that the first stage of labour was well advanced, and that the desire of experiencing the tub was going to meet.
There was movement behind me, Martha, Judith, Max and Clementine cooperating, but I was already in my world, the planet of delivery.
There began a new phase, the same contractions, the same pain, but more relaxed than on the ball. Breathing deeply not helped me cope with the pain but on the contrary, the deep breathing gives rise to a new contraction. Then I understood, that I could shorten the time between the contractions, and if each contraction was to take a tiny step, then it was in my hands to give an accelerated pace to the process of childbirth. In each contraction shouted, Martha and Judith said: “you are doing very well.” Grab Me by the hands, I asked, “What else can I do?, it hurts a lot.” Marta I massaged the neck. I heard Martha say, “be Opened”. My instinct, I translated it thus: it relaxes all the muscles, also the anus.
The push after a contraction, I slipped sliding your ass forward and said that I believed to notice not doing enough. They asked Me if I wanted to change position. On four legs, as I had read, it was a good pose, it was still in the bathtub. With this posture, yes I was aware of the immediate effect of each bid. Came the pushing by which I noticed Maëlle descend, and after the next pushing, another decline. I was reminded of the women who wrote to feel strength and animal roar as such. With my little jet of voice, not understanding where I went out so much power.
We were both in the tub a little longer, enjoying the moment, until Martha and Judith told me that I could go to bed. I grabbed her, I embraced with hot towels and went to bed.

I imagined the happy day, as a party and
to share the moment with them, it would be a nice memory for all of us.

Already lying down, Marta asked me whether I felt good to expel the placenta, I said yes, she helped me and pushing out, without effort and without pain. I immediately felt a lot of relief.
At the time, and after Max have cut the cord, Martha and Judith told me that I would sit well in a shower, so lazily and escorted by Judith at all times, I went to the shower. I had to pee, I was told, to verify that the bladder had been new in your site, it took a few minutes to get out. It was a shower of a lot of contemplation, and at the end, I went back to the bed of the hand of Judih, where I stayed the rest of the day with Maëlle Doloretes in the arms.
And while I already had a rest, they took charge of leaving the house as a whistle, as if nothing in there had taken place.
Clementine looked at me intently, I would remove the view from the top. At the end of each contraction, when it stopped yelling, I could hear Clementine say: “what is now?”.
I also realized that I had to understand the function and know how to seize the opportunity of each contraction. I understood that you had to extend the pushing to the maximum. Stay half way, not to have come to the end, it meant that he would come a new contraction in a short span of time, being the rest too short. And between contraction and contraction Marta told me that you tried to rest. The more lengthening contraction, the greater the pushing and closer was of Maëlle. So the two fears, contractions (pain) and uncertainty of not knowing how long it would last childbirth, she seemed to have them controlled.
In the tub and after 1h30 approx. work, I could already hear: “Maëlle is near, because you can feel their little head.” And lengthened the arms to the vagina, there she was peeking. I said, “You have a couple of you to push more,” was the truth, I was already feeling intense irritation in the vagina, the ring of fire, we were very near the end.
Maëlle was born to the 11h29, you can grab it with my hands, now I do not remember how I did, but Judith recorded it all.
Final result.
A birth animal, to a natural rhythm, guided by my instincts, without fear, in confidence with myself and with my environment, without shyness, allowing me to be myself.
Martha and Judith, I have a sweetheart of a special being. Are fairy godmothers that enforce desires, come, give you encouragement, shelter and clothing while pairs. As soon as they appear, they disappear.
My mother has given me the congratulations and it has opened up to me telling me a secret, a story about my grandmother Doloretes that no one else knows.
Maëlle Doloretes is a baby content and happy and I am too.
All went well, exceeding expectations, if he had. We are amazed of how developed each time of delivery, which I already, I would like to repeat a billion times more.

All went well, exceeding expectations, if he had.
We are amazed of how developed each time of delivery

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