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Home / Our team / Marta Sánchez

Marta Sánchez

NRS: 14546

Pleasurable Childbirth: A Revolution for Love

I began supporting families in 2007 at "La paridera de Acuario", hand in hand with the gynaecologists, midwives and birth attendants of Acuario. I consider myself a direct heir to their philosophy, and I feel that with our work, we are also preserving a memory: the memory of giving birth as humans.

For me, helping birth occur in this way is a revolutionary act, a militant stance for peace on the planet.

I am a midwife because supporting women during birth fills me with immense tenderness, and I believe there is no feeling as beautiful as holding a newborn in your arms. It is a vocation that deeply fulfills me.

I believe that the work of a good midwife is invaluable and can greatly enhance the satisfaction of the birth experience, regardless of how and where it takes place.

I was a co-founder of “Mujeres Sabias, nacimientos acuarianos”, from which I later disassociated myself to create 'La casa de Isis'.

Since 2007, I supported more than 800 births, 400 home births, of which 100 births in the last three years.

I am passionate about my work and also my profession. For me, being a midwife is a way of life, a life path.

"For me, helping birth to occur in this way is a revolutionary act, an advocacy for peace on the planet."



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