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Home / Our team / Judith Janssen

Judith Janssen

NRS: 24299

Being a midwife: a journey of activism and transformation

When I became pregnant for the first time in 2009 in Spain, I had to deeply research how to give birth in a natural and respectful way within a highly medicalised system. That research marked the beginning of my journey to this day. My two pregnancies and births were truly transformative, not only as a woman and mother, but also as a professional. These experiences laid the foundation for my current path.

My professional journey is extensive and international, from a degree in international law and a (social skills) trainer in the corporate world, to a doula and a perinatal yoga teacher training. Eventually, my path led me back to the Netherlands, my native country, where I trained as a midwife and worked in assisting physiological pregnancies and births within the public system, both at homes and in birthing centres, and as a lecturer at the midwifery university in Maastricht.

In 2021, I returned to Spain with a firm intention of continuing to advocate for physiological pregnancy and childbirth care, based on up-to-date evidence that promotes comprehensive health care and the autonomy of both the woman and the midwife to provide that care. I am very grateful to have found and connected with Marta and to be a part of La casa de Isis.

La casa de Isis allows us to care for and support the vital and unique processes of families in a very personalised, authentic and holistic way, and to welcome each new life with wonder and love. It allows us to put families at the centre while practicing our profession in a very human and fulfilling way. It allows us to practice midwifery in its essence.

"La casa de Isis allows me to practice midwifery in its essence."



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