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Home / Birth stories / Tanja and Jules

Tanja and Jules

The House of Isis in my way while I was pregnant.

As a Dutch person, I am very familiar with births at home, in my country, so I was very happy to find The House of Isis in my way while I was pregnant. We met for the first time during the informational session in their cozy home delivery in Orba and connect from the beginning.

Have had an approach very staff during reviews and
have really taken the time to provide a personalized experience

Have had an approach very staff during reviews and have really taken the time to provide a personalized experience for both me and the father, in addition to the routine functional reviews. Because my pregnancy was uneventful, I was able to start labor at home after the rupture of the water.

Our daughter was born healthy in our own living room.

Judith and Martha did an amazing job supporting me during labor and I felt safe under his guidance. Finally, our daughter was born healthy in our own living room. After delivery, they gave us time to have the "golden hour" together. I've also had a very positive experience with the follow-up in the first few days after birth. If you want to give birth at home, would recommend
strongly. Much love.

If you want to give birth at home, would recommend
strongly. Much love.

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