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Home / Birth stories / Beatrice and Kora

Beatrice and Kora

NRS: 14546

Already four years ago that I experienced the process of pregnancy and childbirth

Today, my daughter and Marta were the gift the more magical and human life has been able to offer me.
Magic by the expression of unconditional love and the good, human wisdom, and the primitive instinct that opens for us the way to our origins.

That way where shared, by that time, three women with the purpose of
celebrate life. Martha, my baby and me.

Without finding in the public health system or private free space and intimate for such a celebration, I was searching until I find the possibility of home birth. Possible because the finding of Martha, with her extensive background and experience, connect with the need of your knowledge and love to face my fears, resistances, gaps and uncertainties. And this happened only with our first meeting.

I felt that with her he could drop reins

I remember being fascinated. I felt that with her he could drop reins. Enjoy the whole process accompanied by someone who was guiding my steps from my needs, my individuality, my freedom, and the love of my baby on the way. Without leaving aside the deep knowledge and respect that Martha gave all levels of the process physical, emotional, energetic, generational and meaning of life.
We continue to work during the process of pregnancy. Martha was a
balm for the soul after ultrasounds, gynecologists, reviews, analytical, results-negative-positive... Towards the end of my pregnancy, my baby came from new Marta helped us find the way.
With the passage of the hours since you broke my water at home, the circumstances required hospital... matched that day with a quote from gyn. The birth was very hard and long at the time. From that first time that Marta and I we decided that if it came to happen, and she accepted, my roommate in the hospital was going to be such a wise woman, serene, loving, authentic, and generous. And so it was.
Despite all the hardness of the chemical, mechanical, medical procedures and
egos professionals. We gain an intimate space my baby, Marta and I that we
allowed to survive at all in a healthy, positive, loving and constructive.
I lived an induced labor with epidural and lying flat on her back, which I never imagined. But thanks to the last of my companion my daughter was born without episiotomy, without
forceps...vaginal birth natural without complications.
Once again, my midwife, my companion, my friend, my accomplice, my guide, my wise

Pachamama put order to the chaos universal.

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